quotations about abortion

Fundamentally, abortion is healthcare and, fundamentally, it is critical to women's equality and to be able to participate fully in society. So access to quality, legal abortion care is good. That's the fundamental principle. In order to undermine that, opponents of abortion really have to use these subterfuge techniques. Because if you're telling the truth, that's the truth you would tell.


attributed, "Kentucky's New Fetal Pain Law, Like Most Abortion Restrictions, Is Based on Junk Science", The Intercept, January 22, 2017

Unless you believe that abortion has no more impact upon the persons involved (including the unborn) than an appendectomy, you have to consider that there is grounds for legislative control.


"Back Alley Abortions Part I: Legislating Morality", A Voice for the Voiceless, September 30, 2014