quotations about absolutism

Suppose that perspectivism is true in some perspectives and false in others. Consider the latter case, a perspective in which perspectivism is false. In such a perspective, the denial of perspectivism -- that is, absolutism, is true. Now, absolutism is true only if there is at least one statement that is true in all perspectives. But there is no such statement: not the thesis of absolutism itself, since, by hypothesis, there are perspectives in which it is false and perspectivism is true; not perspectivism, since, again by hypothesis, there are perspectives in which it is false; nor any other statement in the perspective in which absolutism is true, since there are distinct perspectives in which all those statements are false. Hence, there is no statement that is true in all perspectives; that is, for every statement there are perspectives in which that statement is true and perspectives in which it is false. But then perspectivism is true in all perspectives, and this, we have already shown, entails that perspectivism is false.


The Philosophy of Nietzsche

Every country has its own constitution; ours is absolutism moderated by assassination.


attributed, Political Sketches of the State of Europe, from 1814-1867

By its very nature absolutism is inconsistent with the natural rights that people bring into society when they engage in the mutual contract that brings that society into existence.


The Age of Genius: The Seventeenth Century and the Birth of the Modern Mind

Islam in total emphasizes meaning over form, balance over extremity and reflection over reactionaryism, countering the absolutist mindset that seeks comfort in the simplicity of fixating on outward signs, symbols and labels. Doubt is not shunned in Islam but in fact encouraged and welcomed. Accordingly, based on this reading, the purpose of Islam is to counter man's absolutist tendency, which, in my estimation, is the main pillar of violent extremist ideology.


"Violent extremist ideology: Islam by implication or absolutism by nature", Today's Zaman, March 20, 2015

The danger they have been taught to fear from absolutism is not error but intolerance.


Retrieving Apologetics

Socrates is not just expounding noble ideas in a vacuum. He is in the middle of a war between those who think truth is absolute and those who think truth is relative. He is fighting that war with everything he has.


Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Absolutism is a dangerous path to go down, when you stop seeing people as people, and start seeing them as a caricature, you rob yourself and your opponent of humanity. And without our humanity, we are nothing.


"The right-wing and absolutism", Daily Kos, April 5, 2015

Absolutism typically confers "right" and "wrong" monikers on the parties to a conflict and seeks to assist the "right" actor in prevailing over the "wrong".... By taking sides, the absolutist approach incentivises incumbents into to-the-death defences of their positions.


"Polarised Bashir debate fails to understand foreign policy", Business Day Live, July 23, 2015

We cannot mistake absolutism for principle, or substitute spectacle for politics, or treat name-calling as reasoned debate.


Second Inaugural Address, January 21, 2013

Tags: Barack Obama

Absolutism is often the seed of extremist ideology.


"Absolutism often the seed of extremist ideology: Terror experts", Channel News Asia, June 28, 2015

The controversy over the difference (or lack of one) between absolutism and despotism accompanies the whole history of absolute monarchy. The condition of subject will be retrospectively identified with that of the slave, and subjection with "slavery," from the point of view of the new citizen and his revolution (this will also be an essential mechanism of his own idealization).


"Citizen Subject", e-flux, November 2016

Absolutism is an ideological tax haven, a place to harbor your beliefs free from the taxing challenge of learning new things and refining them.


"The More Accurate Term for 'Extremist' We Should All Consider Adopting", AlterNet, December 9, 2016

Absolutism is a dangerous path to go down, when you stop seeing people as people, and start seeing them as a caricature, you rob yourself and your opponent of humanity. And without our humanity, we are nothing.


"The right-wing and absolutism", Daily Kos, April 5, 2015

A sensible, mature society recognizes that extreme, destructive positions in the name of constitutional absolutism is just another form of fundamentalism; it seeks to prevent even the consideration of reasonable, responsive policies to address national problems by declaring them preemptively out of line.


"Make It Stop", The Boston Globe, June 15, 2016

It seems as if, at least in some ways and in some quarters of society, absolutism is on the upswing in America. As society becomes more diverse and life-style choices more wide ranging, absolutism can seem to be a port in an ever-raging storm.


Stories of a Recovering Fundamentalist

We sometimes imagine morality can be a set of moral absolutes: Thou shalt not kill or Thou shalt not commit adultery. In practice such absolutism is always mitigated by circumstances. Thou shalt not kill becomes -- Thou shalt not kill except in self defense. Or -- Thou shalt not kill except when drafted into the army and told to do so.


Our Human Herds: The Philosophy of Dual Morality and a Theory of Moral Evolution

Absolutism is fragile: it can also, paradoxically, enable progress.


"The Romanovs' only loyalty was to absolute power", New Statesman, February 5, 2016

Absolutism, in effect, seems to give a complete and coherent form to a power that is founded only upon itself, and that is founded as being without limits (thus uncontrollable and irresistible by definition). Such a power truly makes men into subjects, and nothing but subjects, for the very being of the subject is obedience.


"Citizen Subject", e-flux, November 2016

Comparing democratic and monarchical absolutism, we shall find that the latter must needs rest its power somewhere without the monarch himself; for, as has been several times observed, the monarch had personally no more power than the meanest of the crowd. He must be supported by opinion without him; but democratic absolutism is power itself -- it is a reality -- fearfully sweeping power. It is a real power, a torrent which nothing can stem. If an individual opposes monarchical absolutism, there is something heroic in it in the eyes of the people; if a man opposes democratic absolutism, he is at once considered a heretic, a traitor to the common weal.


Manual of Political Ethics

Tags: democracy

The absolutists are more often than not fighting for a right to peddle hate, bigotry.


"Trolls with too much free time", Hindu Business Link, August 12, 2016