A great lie is like a great fish on dry land; it may fret and fling, and make a frightful bother, but it cannot hurt you; you have only to keep still and it will die of itself.
The value of a thing is as variable as the humors and circumstances of men; it may be nothing or something very great in the same object, at the same time, in the eyes of different men.
GEORGE CRABB, attributed, Day's Collacon
Mediocrity in external circumstances is exempt from all the evils which attend either poverty or riches.
GEORGE CRABB, Crabb's English Synonymes
Every motive will not be accompanied with its corresponding action, for every man will not act who has a motive for acting, nor act in the manner in which his motives ought to dictate.
GEORGE CRABB, Crabb's English Synonymes
Modesty shields a man from mortifications and disappointments, which assail the self-conceited man in every direction; a modest man conciliates the esteem even of an enemy and a rival; he disarms the resentments of those who feel themselves most injured by his superiority; he makes all pleased with him by making them at ease with themselves.
GEORGE CRABB, Crabb's English Synonymes
Through the sharp air a flaky torrent flies,
Mocks the slow sight, and hides the gloomy skies;
The fleecy clouds their chilly bosoms bare,
And shed their substance on the floating air.
Arrogance is the act of the great; presumption that of the little.