quotations about God

God quote

In history the name of God is the terrible club with which all divinely inspired men, the great "virtuous geniuses," have beaten down the liberty, dignity, reason, and prosperity of man.


God and the State

Tags: Mikhail Bakunin

Gods are great ... but the heart is greater. For it is from our hearts they come, and to our hearts they shall return.


American Gods

It should not be so hard to believe in God, for man himself is scarcely less wonderful.


"The Part of Me That Doubts," Four Minute Essays

Without the desire for God, our planet would be a sorry wasteland of ugliness.


acceptance speech for Pritzker Architecture Prize, 1980

The different ideas which men form of God (whilst the scripture character of him is overlooked), result from the various dispositions and propensities which they derive from constitution, education, and habit. The voluptuary will imagine with a certain dissolute monarch (Charles II), that God will not damn a man for taking "a little pleasure in an irregular manner;" nor can the ambitious warrior or covetous oppressor be convinced that the supreme Being will demand a strict account of all the blood shed, or the injustice committed, in their respective pursuits: a speculating philosopher may imagine a deity too dignified to notice the conduct, or too clement to punish the crimes, of puny mortals; at least he will deem him very favorable to the self-wise, and such as are superior to vulgar prejudices, whatever he may do in respect to debauchees and sanguinary tyrants. Thus men's ideas of God are framed according to their own prevailing propensities; and then those ideas of him reciprocally tend to form their characters, and influence their conduct, both in respect of religious duties and in the common concerns of life.


"On the Scripture Character of God", Essays on the Most Important Subjects in Religion

God is here below the most popular of all beings.... In the open fields, resting upon his implement of toil, the laborer lifts up his eyes towards heaven, and he names God to his children by an impulse as simple as his own soul. The poor call upon him, the dying invoke his name, the wicked fear him, the good bless him, kings give him their crowns to wear, armies place him at the head of their battalions, victory renders thanksgiving to him, defeat seeks help from him, nations arm themselves with him against their tyrants; there is neither place, nor time, nor circumstance, nor sentiment, in which God does not appear and is not named. Even love itself, so sure of its own charm, so confident in its own immortality, dares not to ignore him, and comes before his altars to beg from him the confirmation of the promises to which it has so often sworn.


God: Conferences Delivered at Notre Dame in Paris

At the entrance of the modern time stands the 'God-man'. At its exit will only the God in the God-man evaporate? And can the God-man really die if only the God in him dies? They did not think of this question, and thought they were finished when in our days they brought to a victorious end the work of the Enlightenment, the vanquishing of God: they did not notice that man has killed God in order to become now -- 'sole God on high'. The other world outside us is indeed brushed away, and the great undertaking of the men of the Enlightenment completed; but the other world in us has become a new heaven and calls us forth to renewed heaven-storming: God has had to give place, yet not to us, but to -- man. How can you believe that the God-man is dead before the man in him, besides the God, is dead?


The Ego and Its Own

If the consciousness of God is possible to all healthful souls, why are so many men and women without this consciousness? There are men and women, not a few, who do not want God. They would be very glad to have God if he were always on their side; glad to have God if he would always do what they want him to do. But a supreme will ... a masterful will, a will to which they must conform, they do not want.


Seeking After God

Tags: Lyman Abbott

Our God is a household God, as well as a heavenly one. He has an altar in every man's dwelling; let him look to it when they rend it lightly, and pour out its ashes.


The Seven Lamps of Architecture

Tags: John Ruskin

God is the Absolute Idea, a circle that returns upon itself, not a straight line projected indefinitely.


Typical Modern Conceptions of God

God helps them that helps themselves.


Poor Richard's Almanac

Tags: Benjamin Franklin

God is himself a vast medicine for man. It is the heart of God that carries restoration, inspiration, aspiration, and final victory.


Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit

Love is the rule of rules, the key to all mysteries. Our conception of God being derived from ourselves and the objects affecting us, we can form no idea except one made up of materials furnished by our experience and reflection. Therefore we select whatever powers and qualities we find amongst ourselves, and consider to be most commendable; we separate them from everything gross, material and imperfect, and heighten them to the utmost imaginable pitch; the aggregate of all these makes up our first rational conception of God.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: Sabine Baring-Gould

When gods war with gods, they use weapons we do not know.


By the Waters of Babylon

Tags: Stephen Vincent Benét

If you want the fire of God, you must become the fuel of God.


The God Chasers

Tags: Tommy Tenney

I have found God, but he is insufficient.


Tropic of Cancer

God is like a computer, the more software you put in, the greater the danger that extensions will conflict.



Tags: Alexander Waugh

If God exists, there's nobody else in God's class. God is unutterably "other." We can't use the words person or know or love--or even exist--about God in anything remotely like the way we are persons who know, love, and exist. This limitation of language gives rise to the problem of anthropomorphism, applying to God the meanings of words as they apply to us--the only beings of whom we have firsthand knowledge. This is trying to understand God as if God were patterned on us rather than the other way around.


God: The Oldest Question

Tags: William J. O'Malley

It is your organized religions that have made it clear through their most sacred scriptures that cruelty and killing is an acceptable response to human frailty and human differences. This goes against every human instinct, but organized religion has reorganized human thoughts. Some humans have even been turned against their own instinct for survival. And so people go around maiming and killing each other, because they've been told quite directly that this is what God does to them--and what God wants them to do to each other.


The New Revelations: A Conversation with God

Tags: Neale Donald Walsch

If, it was natural to reason, God punishes men with eternal torment, it is surely lawful for men to use doses of it in a good cause.


A History of Torture

Tags: Joseph McCabe