God will punish the wicked. And before He does, we will.
JOHN GREEN, Looking for Alaska
Sometimes you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read that book.
JOHN GREEN, The Fault in Our Stars
You don't remember what happened. What you remember becomes what happened.
JOHN GREEN, An Abundance of Katherines
Let's imagine a world where we don't celebrate Snooki and the Kardashians.
JOHN GREEN, Goodreads interview, Dec. 2012
I know this is going to cost me, like, eight nerd points, but I don’t know anything about Pokemon.
JOHN GREEN, Chicago Public Library interview
I'm not interested in writing for adults. I like them as people! I don't like the way they publish books in that world. Nothing ever gets a chance.
JOHN GREEN, Huffington Post, Oct. 12, 2012
As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.
JOHN GREEN, The Fault in Our Stars
The fourth way to get a boy to like you is to be yourself. Now, I am contractually obligated as an adult to give that advice, even though it doesn't work. But yeah, be yourself, even though no one has any idea what it means to be yourself. Like whose self would I otherwise be being?
JOHN GREEN, "How to Make Guys Like You," YouTube
Luck is for suckers.
JOHN GREEN, Looking for Alaska
The most important thing for a child to learn is that only some things can be imagined into reality. The most important thing for an adult to learn is that even if it doesn’t happen all the time, things DO get imagined into reality.
JOHN GREEN, Chicago Public Library interview
Imagining the future is a kind of nostalgia.... You spend your whole life stuck in the labyrinth, thinking about how you'll escape it one day, and how awesome it will be, and imagining that future keeps you going, but you never do it. You just use the future to escape the present.
JOHN GREEN, Looking for Alaska
My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.
JOHN GREEN, The Fault in Our Stars
Carbon. We’d be in trouble without it.
JOHN GREEN, Chicago Public Library interview
That's the thing about pain.... It demands to be felt.
JOHN GREEN, The Fault in Our Stars
The world is not a wish-granting factory.
JOHN GREEN, The Fault in Our Stars
The secret is that I'm really not that awesome. Much of what happens is that other people take their own awesome and kind of reflect it off of me, and so I appear awesome. But in fact, it is you who are creating almost all the awesome that you see in me (or in anyone else).
JOHN GREEN, Chicago Public Library interview
This is why we call people exes, I guess -- because the paths that cross in the middle end up separating at the end. It's too easy to see an X as a cross-out. It's not, because there's no way to cross out something like that. The X is a diagram of two paths.
JOHN GREEN, Will Grayson, Will Grayson
The funny thing about writing is that whether you're doing it well or you're doing it poorly, it looks the exact same. That is actually one of the main ways that writing is different from ballet dancing.
JOHN GREEN, "July 19: A Day in the Life of a Writer (Who Has No Friends)", YouTube
I like trivia. I like the idea of trivia, that all of these weird and improbable things can still be true. Trivia reminds me of what is possible.
JOHN GREEN, Chicago Public Library interview
Mothers lie. It's in the job description.
JOHN GREEN, An Abundance of Katherines
The weird thing about houses is that they almost always look like nothing is happening inside of them, even though they contain most of our lives. I wondered if that was sort of the point of architecture.
JOHN GREEN, The Fault in Our Stars
I think inspiration is always around; it’s just a question of whether or not you’re noticing it.
JOHN GREEN, Chicago Public Library interview
What a slut time is. She screws everybody.
JOHN GREEN, The Fault in Our Stars
Love is the most common miracle.
JOHN GREEN, Will Grayson, Will Grayson
I'm a grenade and at some point I'm going to blow up and I would like to minimize the casualties, okay?
JOHN GREEN, The Fault in Our Stars
What a treacherous thing to believe that a person is more than a person.
The right story needs the right telling.
JOHN GREEN, Chicago Public Library interview
Some people have lives; some people have music.
JOHN GREEN, Will Grayson, Will Grayson
Talking to a drunk person was like talking to an extremely happy, severely brain-damaged three-year-old.
If you are rich, you have to be an idiot not to stay rich. And if you are poor, you have to be really smart to get rich.
JOHN GREEN, "The Greek Debt Crisis Explained in Four Minutes," YouTube
As good as kissing feels, nothing feels as good as the anticipation of it.
JOHN GREEN, An Abundance of Katherines
You can say a lot of things about Alabama, but you can't say that Alabamans as a people are unduly afraid of deep fryers.
JOHN GREEN, Looking for Alaska
There will come a time when all of us are dead. All of us. There will come a time when there are no human beings remaining to remember that anyone ever existed or that our species ever did anything. There will be no one left to remember Aristotle or Cleopatra, let alone you. Everything that we did and built and wrote and thought and discovered will be forgotten and all of this will have been for naught. Maybe that time is coming soon and maybe it is millions of years away, but even if we survive the collapse of our sun, we will not survive forever. There was time before organisms experienced consciousness, and there will be time after. And if the inevitability of human oblivion worries you, I encourage you to ignore it. God knows that’s what everyone else does.
JOHN GREEN, The Fault in Our Stars
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable?
JOHN GREEN, An Abundance of Katherines