quotations about women

Whatever may be thought of "woman's sphere," it is certain that its boundaries have been steadily enlarged; that an increased liberty, not only of secular employments and civil rights, but also of social intercourse, has been accorded to her with increasing civilization; and that, so far from losing, either in the delicacy and refinement of her own character, or in the chivalric homage paid to her by man, she has gained in both respects in the same ratio in which she has been freed from the trammels of an unnatural conventionalism, and elevated to a position of real equality with the dominant sex.


Old Testament Shadows of New Testament Truths

Tags: Lyman Abbott

Ah! What pleasure it must be to a woman to suffer for the one she loves!


Père Goriot

Tags: Honore de Balzac

A woman without a man cannot meet a man, any man, of any age, without thinking, even if it's for a half-second, "Perhaps this is THE man."


The Golden Notebook

Tags: Doris Lessing

Woman loves or hates: she knows no middle course.


The Moral Sayings of Publilius Syrus

If women are expected to do the same work as men, we must teach them the same things.


The Republic

Tags: Plato

What we desire is not to possess a woman, but to be the only one to possess her.


This Business of Living, November 13, 1938

A man who admires a fine woman, has yet not more reason to wish himself her husband, than one who admired the Hesperian fruit, would have had to wish himself the dragon that kept it.


"Thoughts on Various Subjects"

Tags: Alexander Pope

There is no moment that exceeds in beauty that moment when one looks at a woman and finds that she is looking at you in the same way that you are looking at her. The moment in which she bestows that look that says, "Proceed with your evil plan, sumbitch."


"The Sea of Hesitation"

Tags: Donald Barthelme

A man who from the beginning has long been soaked in the languid atmosphere of a woman, the scent of her hands, her bosom, her knees, her hair, her lithe and flowing clothes ... has acquired a delicacy of skin, a refinement of tone, a kind of androgyny without which the toughest and most virile of geniuses remains, when it comes to artistic perfection, an incomplete being.


"Un mangeur d'opium"

Tags: Charles Baudelaire

It's a strange thing to think of a man as can lift a chair with his teeth, and walk fifty mile on end, trembling and turning hot and cold at only a look from one woman out of all the rest i' the world. It's a mystery we can give no account of.


Adam Bede

The much-quoted immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary occurred but once so that the world might know that Almighty God, when He so chooses, has no need of men, though He cannot dispense with women.


Baltasar and Blimunda

Tags: José Saramago

Everywhere there is pleasure you will find a woman in disguise.


Cool Memories

Tags: Jean Baudrillard

It is indeed a misfortune for a woman to be without beauty, as with men the eye is the chief arbiter of qualities in the sex. Her beauty is her capital--her worth in the market matrimonial depends upon it. With her the Virtues are less reverenced when unaccompanied by the Graces. The sex understand this very well; and hence they seek mainly to make captive the eye, knowing the mind and heart will follow as a matter of course.


Intuitions and Summaries of Thought

The beauty of a woman transcends all other forms of beauty, as well in the sweetness of its suggestions, as in the fervor of the admiration it awakens. The beauty of a lovely woman is an inspiration, a sweet delirium, a gentle madness. Her looks are love-potions. Heaven itself is never so clearly revealed to us as in the face of a beautiful woman.


Intuitions and Summaries of Thought

Modesty is the richest ornament of a woman ... the want of it is her greatest deformity.



Most of the women claimed to be emancipated and independent, as indeed they were in the sense that they were earning their own living. But they paid for it by the suppression of the mainsprings of their natures; fear of public opinion robbed them of love and intimate comradeship. It was pathetic to see how lonely they were, how starved for male affection, and how they craved children. Lacking the courage to tell the world to mind its own business, the emancipation of the women was frequently more of a tragedy than traditional marriage would have been. They had attained a certain amount of independence in order to gain their livelihood, but they had not become independent in spirit or free in their personal lives.


Living My Life

Tags: Emma Goldman

Give a girl an education and introduce her properly into the world, and ten to one but she has the means of settling well, without further expense to anybody.


Mansfield Park

Tags: Jane Austen

Women have now marvelous means of winning their way in the world, and mind without muscle has far greater force than muscle without mind.


Physics and Politics

Tags: Walter Bagehot

For one to admire a woman merely for her beauty, is to love the building for its exterior; but to love one for the greatness of her soul, is to appreciate the tenement for its intrinsic value.



The notion that women are less aesthetically profound and innovative than men--just not very important, if you know what I mean--doubtless spreads back to our beginnings as upright animals: the males hunted and killed for the family while the females stayed home in the cave and tended the strange little creatures they were giving birth to.


Stretching My Mind

Tags: Edward Albee