quotations about women

Somehow, everyone hates to see an unusually pretty girl get married. It is like taking a bite out of a very fine-looking peach.


Country Town Sayings

Tags: Edgar Watson Howe

Seen through the glow of a building orgasm, a woman seems to blaze with angelic glory.



Tags: Larry Niven

It is possible, reading standard histories, to forget half the population of the country. The explorers were men, the landholders and merchants men, the political leaders men, the military figures men. The very invisibility of women, the overlooking of women, is a sign of their submerged status.


A People's History of the United States

Tags: Howard Zinn

In oranges and women courage is often mistaken for insanity.


Iron Jawed Angels

Tags: courage

According to usage and conventions which are at last being questioned but have by no means been overcome, the social presence of a woman is different in kind from that of a man. A man's presence is dependent upon the promise of power which he embodies.... A man's presence suggests what he is capable of doing to you or for you. His presence may be fabricated, in the sense that he pretends to b capable of what he is not. But the pretence is always towards a power which he exercises on others. By contrast, a woman's presence expresses her own attitude to herself, and defines what can and cannot be done to her.


Ways of Seeing

Tags: John Berger

A goodlookin horse is like a goodlookin woman.... They're always more trouble than what they're worth. What a man needs is just one that will get the job done.


All the Pretty Horses

You've heard it before, but are afraid to say it aloud for fear of sounding boastful. Southern women are prettier than others. But wait just a cotton pickin' minute. Is it true? Are we really prettier? I'll let you in on a little secret. We're not. Everyone just has that illusion because the truth is, we only try harder. Our secret weapon for loveliness, passed down by generations of Southern ladies, is our ability to make the best out of what we have, or in other words, "effort."


"Are Southern women prettier?", AL, April 3, 2017

Women have been called queens for a long time, but the kingdom given them isn't worth ruling.


An Old-Fashioned Girl

Women are leaders everywhere you look--from the CEO who runs a Fortune 500 company to the housewife who raises her children and heads her household. Our country was built by strong women and we will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes.


Glamour Magazine, January 2007

Tags: Nancy Pelosi

While it won't shock anyone to learn that Y chromosomes are overrepresented in news coverage, a new study found that women are more likely to appear in photographs than in the text of news stories. Researchers in the United Kingdom used artificial intelligence software to catalogue an enormous corpus of English-language news on the Internet. They vacuumed up 2.3 million articles published by 950 online news sources, from the BBC to the New York Post, over six months from October 2014 to April 2015. They used AI programs to search for faces in the articles' lead images and categorize them by gender. Names in the text of news sources or subjects were also sorted by gender. "The proportion of females was consistently higher in images than in text, for virtually all topics and news outlets," the researchers wrote in the article published in the journal PLOS ONE by researchers from the University of Bristol and Cardiff University.


"Women Are 'Eye Candy,' Not News Sources, Online", Bloomberg Business, February 4, 2016

What a thing of fantasy a woman may become after dusk.


Ferragus, chef des Dévorants

Tags: Honore de Balzac

There are women who never had an intrigue; but there are scarce any who never had but one.


Moral Maxims

If you tell anything to a woman ... it's like putting it in the papers.


Waiting for the Dark, Waiting for the Light

Tags: Ivan Klima

A woman's passion is nothing less than the sea that tosses a man's ship, and to weather the storm he must use skill and humility to ride her waves, having given up his own course and dragged down his sails, letting the sea take him where it will. For a sailor who knows that there is nothing to fear, this is the greatest adventure of life, as he lashes himself to the mast, knowing that his surrender is his strength and the chance for his redemption.


The Lost Diary of Don Juan

Tags: Douglas Carlton Abrams

'Of womenkind such indeed is the love,
Or the word love abused,
Under which many childish desires
And conceits are excused.


As Ye Came from the Holy Land

Tags: Sir Walter Raleigh

Woman! when I behold thee flippant, vain,
Inconstant, childish, proud, and full of fancies.


"Woman! When I Behold Thee"

Speak no evil of women; I tell thee the meanest of them deserves our respect; for of women do we not all come?


The Mayor of Zalamea

Daughters of the attitude that produced them, certain women will not appeal to us without the double bed in which we find peace by their side, while others, to be caressed with a more secret intention, require leaves blown by the wind, water rippling in the dark, things as light and fleeting as they are.


The Guermantes Way

Tags: Marcel Proust

A woman unsatisfied must have luxuries. But a woman who loves a man would sleep on a board.


letter to John Middleton Murry, November 27, 1913

Tags: D. H. Lawrence

What, then, is feminine as contrasted with masculine? what is womanly as compared with manly, whether in literature or in life? Men and women have many qualities in common, and resemble more than they differ from each other. But while, speaking generally, the man's main occupations lie abroad, the woman's main occupation is at home. He has to deal with public and collective interests; she has to do with private and individual interests. We need not go so far as to say, with Kingsley, that man must work and woman must weep; but at least he has to fight and to struggle, she has to solace and to heal. Ambition, sometimes high, sometimes low, but still ambition--ambition and success are the main motives and purpose of his life. Her noblest ambition is to foster domestic happiness, to bring comfort to the afflicted, and to move with unostentatious but salutary step over the vast territory of human affection. While man busies himself with the world of politics, with the world of commerce, with the rise and fall of empires, with the fortunes and fate of humanity, woman tends the hearth, visits the sick, consoles the suffering--in a word, in all she does, fulfils the sacred offices of love.


The Bridling of Pegasus

Tags: Alfred Austin